Poster, Network South Central, The Scooter ride from Hell, depicting photograph of mod in the rain, red background, printed by Splashdown CW 1894, 1997. scooter ride poster 1997
Poster, Network South Central, Discount Vouchers, Summer Days Out By Train, depicting a photograph of children on a beach, sunflower and text. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm. Summer Days Out By Train
Promotional leaflets, Connex South Central; Network South Central; Network South East Leaflets 1 circa 1991-1997
Poster, Network South Central, Brighton Revealed "through artists eyes c1760-1960, depicting painting of Brighton (Spencer Gore) text on blue background, printed by Splashdown CW 63, 1995. Brighton poster 1995
Poster, Network South Central, thanks to the train, I made a major discovery - Gravity...., depicting photograph of child dressed as Isaac Newton, printed by Splashdown CW 1894, 1994. I made a major discovery - Gravity 1994
Poster, Network South Central, Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, depicting photograph of porter directing Santa Claus, red background, printed by Splashdown CW 1979, 1997. Wishing you a Merry Christmas 1997